Style Struggles
Style Struggles provides critical insights into research perspectives of the far-right extremist landscape and shows possibilities of counterstrategies against the current development of the normalization of hate and racism through fashion, street styles and other fields of cultural production. Style Struggles analyzes contemporary right-wing fashion aesthetics, their symbols and codes and their mechanisms of impact on society and politics.
Kimberly Jenkins
✴︎ Episode 1
How does race influence the fashion system and the way we ‘fashion’ ourselves in society? In this episode we are talking with Kimberly Jenkins, a racialized woman and fashion professor teaching fashion history and fashion theory and founder of the the learning platform “The Fashion and Race Database”, about looks and styles of far-right groups in the U.S. and about her research on fashion and race.
Emanuele Toscano
✴︎ Episode 2
Coming soon!
Far right studies have rarely addressed the axiological neutrality of the research process. The intersubjective distance between researcher and research object has led to a distance in the research relationship that leaves important epistemological and methodological questions of “researching evil” unresolved. In this episode Emanuele Toscano is exploring the ethics and politics and its methodological implications of researching far right movements.